Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Taking a Leap - Chartership and DEAR

Happy Leap Day.

I hope you're taking a leap today and trying something different. The 29th February only comes once every four years.

I'm using Leap Day as an arguably tenuous connection between two leaps into the unknown that I'm taking this week.

Firstly regular readers and fellow Chartership candidates might be interested to know that I have submitted my portfolio. Go me.

After a year's work three copies are on their way to be assessed. I felt a real sense of satisfaction when I finally finished it. I held it in my hands and thought about all the reflection and planning and work that went into creating it. Then I thought about all the experiences that have gone into it and I realised that in some ways I am going to miss working towards Chartership. I had to remind myself that although this is an important step the whole process is really just one part of my ongoing professional journey.

Every now and again I get nervous and wonder if I've missed something or if I should have included X or Y as evidence or mentioned Z. Hopefully that is something that everyone goes through. After a while I calm down and think about how great it will be if I am accepted as a chartered librarian (touch wood).

If you are considering taking a leap and signing up for Chartership I really think you should go for it. 'Working towards Chartership has given my professional development a greater depth and breadth'. That last sentence is the first line of my supporting statement. Good strong opening I thought and it is very true.

My second leap for the week featured in my portfolio and is related to tomorrow's special date. Hopefully you all know it's World Book Day (well it's been marked in my diary for ages). I've been counting down the days this year because we are experimenting with a college wide DEAR event which I helped to set up. A bell is going off at 11 and everyone in the place is going to Drop Everything and Read for ten minutes.

We made the front page of our student newspaper for this month. It features an interview with me and one of my colleagues. (Yes, this article is in my portfolio.)

We've also set up a reading blog to help maintain the enthusiasm that we hope DEAR will spark.

So two leaps into the unknown for the week of Leap Day. Let me know if you've taken a leap you're prepared to share.

Crossed fingers and positive thoughts for my two leaps are also very welcome.

Have a Merry Leap Day and a Happy World Book Day.

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